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Welcome to Luxor, an enchanting city that lies along the banks of the majestic Nile River in Egypt, and a destination that should be at the forefront of your travel aspirations!

If you. are seeking a place that seamlessly blends ancient history with modern charm, Luxor deserves a prime spot on your Luxor bucket list. This remarkable city is a treasure trove of archaeological wonders, cultural experiences, and awe-inspiring landscapes, making it a dream come true for every avid traveler’s Luxor bucket list.

In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into a myriad of captivating things to do in Luxor, ensuring that your visit becomes an unforgettable journey through time and culture.

Let’s embark on this exploration of the must-see attractions that define the Luxor experience and uncover the secrets that make it a top contender for any discerning traveler’s Luxor bucket list.

18 Best Things to Do in Luxor (Your Luxor Bucket List)


Explore the Famous Valley of the Kings

When compiling your list of things to do in Luxor, make sure to prioritize a visit to the world-renowned Valley of the Kings.

Situated on the western bank of the Nile River, this historical site served as the burial ground for numerous pharaohs, noble individuals, and royals for nearly 500 years, from the 16th to the 11th century BC, known as the New Kingdom of Ancient Egypt.

The valley is home to an impressive collection of intricately designed tombs, each revealing the ancient Egyptians’ intricate beliefs and practices surrounding the afterlife.

Remarkably well-preserved, these tombs boast vivid wall paintings, hieroglyphics, and architectural marvels that continue to captivate archaeologists and tourists alike.

Notable tombs include the tomb of Ramses II, known for its grandeur, and the tomb of Tutankhamun, which yielded a treasure trove of artifacts.

One of the most captivating tombs in the Valley of the Kings is Tomb KV9 which stands as a testament to the legacy of Ramses V and Ramses VI.

Tomb KV9 - Ramses V and Ramses VI

Things to Do in Luxor / Tomb KV9 – Tomb of Ramses V and Ramses VI in the Valley of the Kings

Carved into the heart of the Luxor hills, this tomb complex holds significant historical and artistic value.

Ramses V, the son of Ramses IV, and Ramses VI, his nephew, shared this burial site, showcasing a continuation of the dynasty’s architectural and artistic achievements.

The tomb’s intricate layout includes a long corridor leading to a vestibule and then to a series of chambers. The decoration within the tomb is a striking display of vibrant colors and detailed reliefs, portraying scenes from various religious texts and depicting the pharaohs’ journey into the afterlife.

Notably, the burial chamber features a beautifully painted astronomical ceiling, showcasing the sky goddess Nut swallowing the sun each evening and giving birth to it at dawn—a symbolic representation of the cycle of life, death, and rebirth.

KV 9 - Tomb of Ramses V and Ramses Vi

Things to Do in Luxor / Tomb KV9 – Tomb of Ramses V and Ramses VI in the Valley of the Kings

As you venture into the Valley of the Kings, you will step into a timeless world of history, art, and reverence for the past, an experience that solidifies its place as one of the top things to do in Luxor.


Visit the Temple of Hatshepsut

Among the remarkable things to do in Luxor, a visit to the Temple of Hatshepsut should be high on your list!

This stunning temple complex, known as the Djeser-Djeseru or “Holy of Holies,” is a testament to the architectural prowess of ancient Egypt. Built during the 15th century BCE, the temple is dedicated to the pharaoh Hatshepsut, one of the few women to rule as a pharaoh in ancient Egypt.

Carved into the towering cliffs of Deir el-Bahari, the temple’s design is both grand and harmonious, with its three terraced levels blending seamlessly with the natural landscape.

The temple’s intricate reliefs depict the life and achievements of Hatshepsut, showcasing her accomplishments and divine birth narrative. The central courtyard is graced with towering columns and statues, providing a captivating glimpse into the opulence of the New Kingdom period.

Notably, the Temple of Hatshepsut offers breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding valley and the majestic Nile River, making it a visual marvel in addition to its historical significance. As you explore its corridors and chambers, you will be transported back in time to an era of splendor and innovation.

Temple of Hatshepsut

Things to Do in Luxor / The Temple of Hatshepsut

Temple of Hatshepsut

Things to Do in Luxor / The Temple of Hatshepsut 

Visiting the Temple of Hatshepsut allows you to immerse yourself in the stories of Egypt’s ancient rulers while admiring the artistry and engineering feats of the past. The temple’s unique blend of history, architecture, and natural beauty makes it an essential stop for any traveler seeking to uncover Luxor’s treasures.


Explore the Majestic Ramesseum

When seeking remarkable things to do in Luxor, exploring the Ramesseum is a must-do for all visitors to Luxor.

The Ramesseum, also known as the Mortuary Temple of Ramses II, is an awe-inspiring temple complex dedicated to one of ancient Egypt’s most prominent pharaohs, Ramses II.

Situated on Luxor’s west bank, the Ramesseum stands as a testament to the architectural marvels of the New Kingdom era. The temple’s expansive courtyard is adorned with towering statues of Ramses II, once meticulously carved and intricately detailed.

Ramesseum in Luxor

Things to Do in Luxor / The Ramesseum 

The interior walls showcase intricate reliefs depicting pivotal moments from Ramses II’s reign, including his military triumphs and religious ceremonies, providing a vivid glimpse into the cultural and spiritual life of ancient Egypt.

One of the architectural highlights is the Hypostyle Hall, a grand space with colossal columns adorned with intricate carvings and hieroglyphics. As you wander through this hall, you will be transported back in time, surrounded by the tangible remnants of a civilization that held its rulers and deities in utmost reverence.

Ramesseum in Luxor

Things to Do in Luxor / The Ramesseum 

Further adding to the allure of the Ramesseum are the Osirian statues located at the rear of the complex. These statues pay homage to the god Osiris and carry profound symbolism associated with life, death, and rebirth—a central theme in ancient Egyptian beliefs.

Another notable feature is the remnants of the renowned 57-foot-high statue of Ramesses II. This colossal statue, which once proudly graced the entrance of the temple, stood as an imposing representation of the pharaoh’s power and authority.

The statue’s placement in front of the very first pylon of the temple was a deliberate architectural choice, intended to awe and inspire visitors as they entered the complex. The colossal size of the statue was a testament to the stature of Ramses II, both as a ruler and as a divine figure in the eyes of the ancient Egyptians.

Things to Do in Luxor / The Ramesseum

A visit to the Ramesseum offers an exceptional opportunity to delve into the legacy of Ramses II and gain a deeper understanding of the architectural and cultural achievements of ancient Egypt.

The temple’s grandeur and intricate details underscore its significance as a captivating destination that should be a priority on your journey through Luxor.


Discover the Medinet Habu Complex

Adding to the list of captivating things to do in Luxor is the exploration of the Medinet Habu Complex.

This sprawling archaeological site encompasses the Mortuary Temple of Ramses III, a structure that not only served as a memorial to the pharaoh but also stands as a testament to the architectural ingenuity of ancient Egypt.

Situated on the west bank of the Nile, the Medinet Habu complex is rich in historical significance. The temple’s massive pylons, adorned with intricate reliefs and inscriptions, greet visitors with scenes of Ramses III’s military victories and ritual offerings. As you venture further into the complex, you will encounter vast courtyards and halls, each with its own unique storytelling purpose.

Medinet Habu in Luxor

Things to Do in Luxor / The Medinet Habu Complex

One of the highlights of the Medinrt Habu Complex used to be the Hall of Columns. A grand space that was supported by rows of colossal pillars. Today, what you will see are just the stumps of the columns.

However, you can still see the walls of this hall adorned with scenes that depict Ramses III’s accomplishments and offerings to various deities.

Medinet Habu in Luxor

Things to Do in Luxor / The Medinet Habu Complex

Perhaps one of the most fascinating features of the Medinet Habu is the depiction of the “Battle of the Delta” on the exterior walls. This detailed portrayal of Ramses III’s victory over invading forces of the Sea Peoples, circa 1175 BC, offers invaluable insights into ancient warfare tactics and attire.

Medinet Habu

Things to Do in Luxor / The Medinet Habu

Medinet Habu

Things to Do in Luxor / The Medinet Habu


Tour the Valley of the Queens

Among the remarkable things to do in Luxor, an excursion to the Valley of the Queens offers a unique perspective on the lives of ancient Egyptian royalty. Often overshadowed by its more famous counterpart, the Valley of the Kings, this site holds its own significance as a burial ground for queens and royal children of the New Kingdom.

Nestled amid Luxor’s rugged landscape, the Valley of the Queens is a testament to the reverence that ancient Egyptians held for their queens.

The tombs within this valley are adorned with colorful reliefs and intricate paintings that depict scenes from daily life, religious rituals, and the queens’ journey to the afterlife.

One of the most well-known tombs in the Valley of the Queens is the tomb of Queen Nefertari, the beloved wife of Ramses II. This tomb, renowned for its exquisite artistry and vivid colors, is often referred to as the “Sistine Chapel of Ancient Egypt” due to its breathtaking frescoes that showcase Nefertari’s close relationship with various deities.

Tomb of Nefertari in the Valley of the Queens

Things to Do in Luxor / Tomb of Nefertari in the Valley of the Queens

Tomb of Nefertari in the Valley of the Queens

Things to Do in Luxor / Tomb of Nefertari in the Valley of the Queens

The Valley of the Queens also holds the tomb of Queen Titi, among others, which offers insight into the lives and beliefs of these royal women. The tombs’ smaller scale compared to those in the Valley of the Kings reflects the differences in status between queens and kings in ancient Egyptian society.

Exploring the Valley of the Queens allows you to step into the private world of Egypt’s queens and learn about their roles and significance within the royal court. The intimate insights provided by the tombs’ artwork and inscriptions create a connection to the past that’s both educational and deeply moving.

For those intrigued by history, art, and the stories of remarkable women in antiquity, the Valley of the Queens is a must-see destination in Luxor!


Stop By Colossi of Memnon

The Colossi of Memnon are a pair of giant statues made out of quartzite sandstone. Each statue stands about 18 meters high (65 feet) and depicts Pharaoh Amenhotep III.

Although they look as if they are standing randomly in the middle of nowhere, they actually used to guard the entrance of the first pylon of the Mortuary Temple of Amenhotep III.

The Mortuary Temple of Amenhotep III was one of the largest temples built in Egypt. Unfortunately, the location of the temple was too close to the River Nile. Each year, when the Nile flooded it would fill the temple. The repeated flooding caused extensive water damage to the architecture and statuary.

Colossi of Memnon in Luxor

Things to Do in Luxor / The Colossi of Memnon 


Explore the Iconic Luxor Temple

A journey to Luxor would be incomplete without a visit to the iconic Luxor Temple, a living testament to the grandeur and legacy of ancient Egypt.

This monumental structure stands proudly on the east bank of the Nile River, captivating visitors with its architectural brilliance and historical significance.

Dating back over 3,000 years, the Luxor Temple was constructed primarily during the New Kingdom period, serving as a sacred site dedicated to Amon, king of the gods, his consort Mut, and their son Khons.

Things to Do in Luxor

Things to Do in Luxor / The Luxor Temple

The temple’s grand entrance is marked by a colossal pylon adorned with intricate carvings and inscriptions. Once inside, the Avenue of Sphinxes leads the way to the towering obelisks and stunning colonnades that define the temple’s central courtyard.

The Hypostyle Hall, a captivating architectural wonder, boasts a forest of colossal columns adorned with captivating hieroglyphics and depictions of ancient rituals. As you stroll through these hallways, you can almost hear the whispers of history echoing through the ages.

Luxor Temple

Things to Do in Luxor / The Luxor Temple

One of the temple’s most iconic features is the pair of colossal seated statues of Ramses II at the entrance. These statues, known as the Colossi of Ramses, stood as a declaration of the pharaoh’s power and the temple’s significance.

Luxor Temple

Things to Do in Luxor / The Luxor Temple

The temple was the site of an annual Opet Festival, during which statues of Amun, Mut, and Khonsu were paraded between the Luxor and Karnak Temples, connecting the spiritual heart of Thebes.

Visiting the Luxor Temple provides a captivating blend of history, architecture, and spirituality. As the sun sets, the temple’s illuminated facade creates a magical ambiance, inviting you to connect with the past on a profound level.

Exploring this iconic site is not just a sightseeing endeavor—it is a journey into the soul of Luxor and an essential experience for anyone seeking to understand Egypt’s rich heritage.

Find out more about the Luxor Temple:


The Luxor Temple – 11 Unmissable Things to See


Witness the Magic of Luxor Temple in the Evening

Visiting the Luxor Temple in the evening is a journey into the past unlike any other.

As the sun sets and the twilight hues bathe the ancient stones in a warm glow, the temple takes on an ethereal ambiance. The towering columns, intricate reliefs, and majestic statues come alive in the soft light, casting a spell of enchantment that transports you to the heart of ancient Egypt.

Walking through the illuminated courtyard and beneath the illuminated colonnades, you will feel a profound connection to history and an appreciation for the architectural genius that shaped this iconic site.

This evening adventure at the Luxor Temple offers a rare and unforgettable opportunity to experience the mystique and grandeur of Luxor’s heritage in a truly magical setting.

Luxor Temple at Night

Things to Do in Luxor / The Luxor Temple in the Evening

Luxor Temple at Night

Things to Do in Luxor / The Luxor Temple in the Evening


Romantic Ride in Horse-Drawn Carriage Along the Corniche

Embark on a romantic journey along the picturesque Corniche of Luxor with a horse-drawn carriage ride. As the gentle clip-clop of hooves resonates and the timeless landscape unfolds before you, you will be transported to an era of elegance and nostalgia.

The palm-lined promenade, framed by the serene Nile River on one side and the bustling city on the other, sets the scene for an enchanting outing.

Whether it is a leisurely afternoon or a moonlit evening, this charming carriage ride promises to be a delightful way to savor the beauty and allure of Luxor’s riverfront.

Things to do in Luxor

Things to Do in Luxor / Luxor at Night


Explore the Mummification Museum

In the heart of Luxor lies a captivating destination that offers a unique insight into the intricate practices of ancient Egypt—the Mummification Museum. This specialized museum is dedicated to unraveling the mysteries of mummification, a process that was central to the belief in the afterlife.

As you step into the museum, you will encounter an array of artifacts, tools, and preserved specimens that shed light on the meticulous techniques employed by ancient embalmers.

From the tools used during the embalming process to the ornate coffins that cradled the departed, each exhibit tells a story of reverence for the deceased and the preparation for their journey to the beyond.

The museum offers a fascinating window into the spiritual beliefs and scientific practices that defined ancient Egyptian culture, making it a must-visit destination for those seeking a deeper understanding of Luxor’s rich history.

Things to do in Luxor

Luxor Mummification Museum


Visit the Luxor Museum

Immerse yourself in the captivating history of Luxor by visiting the renowned Luxor Museum. This exceptional institution offers a journey through time, showcasing an impressive collection of artifacts that span several millennia of ancient Egyptian civilization.

As you wander through the museum’s galleries, you will encounter meticulously preserved statues, intricate jewelry, and intricately carved reliefs that offer a glimpse into the artistry and spirituality of a bygone era.

One of the museum’s highlights is the meticulously reconstructed cache of artifacts from the tomb of Tutankhamun’s grandfather, Yuya and Tjuyu.

Additionally, the beautifully exhibited collection of Amenhotep III’s colossal statues evokes a sense of awe, capturing the grandeur of ancient royalty.

The Luxor Museum stands as a testament to the city’s rich heritage, and your visit promises an immersive experience that will deepen your appreciation for Luxor’s role as a custodian of Egypt’s majestic past.

Luxor Museum

Things to Do in Luxor / The Luxor Museum (Image Credit: Matt Howry via Flickr)


Go on a Sunrise Hot Air Balloon Ride

Hands down, a sunrise hot air balloon ride over Luxor was a bucket list experience for me. Honestly, I do not know if there is anything more spectacular than drifting peacefully through the sky while the sun gradually reveals the panoramic views of the Valley of the Kings and the Temple of Hatshepsut.

Trust me, you will love it watching the glittering river Nile surrounded by lush green fields as you pass by the splendid temples of Karnak and Luxor!

Tips for Hot Air Balloon Ride in Luxor

Things to Do in Luxor / Sunrise Hot Air Balloon Ride 


Hot Air Balloon Ride in Luxor

Things to Do in Luxor / Sunrise Hot Air Balloon Ride 



READ: 12 Useful Tips for Hot Air Balloon Ride in Luxor


Explore the Karnak Temple

Embark on a mesmerizing adventure through time at the Karnak Temple, one of the world’s most impressive and extensive temple complexes. Situated on the east bank of the Nile River in Luxor, this sprawling complex is a testament to the architectural prowess and spiritual devotion of ancient Egypt.

The Karnak Temple is a living tableau of over 2,000 years of history, spanning the reigns of various pharaohs.

Karnak Temple

Things to Do in Luxor / The Karnak Temple 

The colossal Hypostyle Hall, with its towering columns adorned in intricate hieroglyphics, is an architectural marvel that transports you to an era of grandeur and reverence. It was built by Seti I and completed by Ramses II. The hall covers an area of about 50,000 sq ft. It contains 134 gigantic stone columns with beautiful capitals.

You will be amazed by the sheer size of just the center aisle which consists of six columns with open papyrus capitals on each side. These columns are 21 meters tall with a diameter of over three meters.

Karnak Temple

Things to Do in Luxor / The Karnak Temple 

Next, the sacred lake, reflecting the temple’s grandeur, adds to the sense of awe that permeates the site.

The Temple of Amun-Re, at the heart of the complex, holds the towering obelisks of Queen Hatshepsut and Thutmose I, standing as silent sentinels to the past.

The Open-Air Museum invites you to admire meticulously restored statues, colossal scarabs, and other treasures from antiquity.

One of the most iconic features is the Avenue of Sphinxes, connecting the Karnak Temple to the Luxor Temple. Imagine the rituals and processions that once graced this avenue, a path that united two significant religious sites.

Exploring the Karnak Temple is a profound journey through history, art, and spirituality. With every step, you will be transported back in time, surrounded by the echoes of ancient rituals and the breathtaking beauty of Egypt’s enduring legacy.

A visit to the Karnak Temple is an opportunity to connect with the past on a deeply personal level and to bear witness to the marvels that have captivated travelers for centuries.

Find out more about the Karnak Temple: 


Karnak Temple – 9 Absolute Must-See Things at the Karnak Temple


Watch the Sound and Light Show at the Karnak Temple

Immerse yourself in the mystique of ancient Egypt by attending the captivating Sound and Light Show at the Karnak Temple.

As the sun sets, the temple’s grandeur is illuminated by a mesmerizing display of lights and narrated stories that bring history to life.

The ancient stones come alive with vivid colors, casting shadows that dance across the colossal columns and statues.

Through a narrated journey, you will be transported across time, unraveling the tales of pharaohs, deities, and the civilization that once thrived here.

This enchanting spectacle is more than just a show; it is a magical way to connect with Luxor’s rich heritage and experience the echoes of the past in an unforgettable and immersive setting.

Karnak Temple at night

Things to Do in Luxor / The Sound and Light Show at the The Karnak Temple

Things to Do in Luxor

Things to Do in Luxor / The Sound and Light Show at the Karnak Temple 


Stay at Historic Sofitel Winter Palace

Hands down, the Sofitel Winter Palace is the place to stay while in Luxor. If it is out of your price range, then just do it for at least one night! It is an experience like no other and it should be on your Luxor bucket list.

The Sofitel Winter Palace Hotel is a historic British colonial-era 5-star luxury resort hotel. Its location is absolutely perfect. It is right on the bank of the River Nile between the Luxor and Karnak Temples.

When you step inside and look at the furnishings and artwork, you will feel as if you traveled back in time. In addition, the Sofitel Winter Palace is surrounded by beautifully manicured grounds. Besides the location and the ambiance, I have to say that the service was absolutely impeccable. The attention to detail really impressed me.

Things to do in Luxor

Things to Do in Luxor / Sofitel Winter Palace 

The Sofitel Winter Palace houses 5 restaurants. However, the 1886 Restaurant, which serves French cuisine, should not be missed.

Needless to say, I was thrilled to stay at a place where Agatha Christie wrote her famous 1937 novel ‘Death on the Nile’.


Eat Traditional Egyptian Cuisine at Sofra

Are you looking for a place to try some traditional Egyptian food? Stop searching and head directly to Sofra. You will not be disappointed. It is one of those hidden gems in Luxor.

First of all, you will love the ambiance. This place is quiet and comfortable and beautifully decorated with oriental furniture, copper lamps, and paintings. Second, the service is excellent. They will make you feel at home and go above and beyond to make sure you have a great dining experience.

Luxor Bucket List

Things to Do in Luxor / Sofra Restaurant in Luxor

But, above all, try some different dishes. The menu is in English with a description of each dish, so you should have no problems deciding what to try.

To start off, I suggest some cold and hot mezze, which are small salads and appetizers. And, to narrow down the selection, how about some roasted aubergines with sesame oil, lemon, parsley, garlic & tahini dip. Yum!

Next, continue with the main dish. They have stuffed duck and pigeon, oven-roasted rabbit, or you can try some chicken stewed in spicy tomato sauce. My suggestion is to try a selection of kebabs and add Koushry, which is a rice and pasta mix. I have to say Koushry was delicious.

By the way, they have quite a variety of fresh juices. The list is extensive. I recommend trying the fresh guava juice.

If you still have any room left, then go for a traditional Egyptian dessert called Roz Bil Haleeb, which is cooked rice with milk topped with rosewater syrup and nuts with raisins.


Go on Felucca Ride

Take a break from all the sightseeing and go on a felucca ride. What is more perfect than a felucca ride after a long day of visiting the archaeological sites? Second to none, in my opinion!

Things to Do in Luxor

Things to Do in Luxor / Felucca in Luxor

To start with, make sure that there is some breeze in the forecast, otherwise, it is a no-go. Furthermore, start your sailing right about sunset time, you will get some good photos at that time. However, if you hang on till the golden hour, you will get awesome pictures.

Felucca in Luxor

Things to Do in Luxor / Felucca in Luxor

And, finally, be prepared to be amazed by the skyline of Luxor as it gradually becomes all lit up.

So, sit back and unwind as you sail along the River Nile and let the incredible Temples of Karnak and Luxor slide past you.


Kick Back in Style at Hilton Luxor Resort and Spa

If you need a little break from all the sightseeing, then I am recommending that you head to the spa located at Hilton Luxor Resort and Spa. It is definitely my top choice for a place where you can relax and get pampered.

First of all, if you just want to hang around and enjoy the spa facilities then they are all complimentary. You have a choice of Thermal areas (male and female) which include: a steam bath, herbal bath, Lacconium, reflexology basin, experience shower, Kneipp walk, indoor waterbeds relaxation room, and outdoor thermal garden.

Hilton Luxor Resort and Spa

Things to Do in Luxor / Hilton Luxor Resort and Spa

Hilton Luxor Resort and Spa

Hilton Luxor Resort and Spa

Intrepid Scout's Tips for Best Things to Do in Luxor

That’s quite a list, right? Now, if you only have a few days, what are the most important things to do in Luxor? OK, here are my top seven best things to do in Luxor that you absolutely cannot miss:

  1. Valley of the Kings
  2. Temple of Hatshepsut
  3. Colossi of Memnon
  4. Luxor Temple
  5. Karnak Temple
  6. The Sound and Light Show at the Karnak Temple
  7. The Sunrise Hot Air Balloon Ride Over Luxor

Do you want to find out how to put all of these 7 sites and experiences into one epic Luxor itinerary? Click here to view my Perfect 2-Day Itinerary to Luxor.

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5 thoughts on “18 Amazing Things to Do in Luxor (Your Ultimate Luxor Bucket List)

  1. 2022-06-24

    I really liked your article! I visited Luxor in 2021 and it has become one of my favorite places in Egypt. Especially the Habu temple took my breath away.

    1. 2022-06-25

      Hi Lena,
      Thank you! Luxor has many great sites to visit. Have you been to Abu Simbel?

      1. 2022-07-01

        Yes! I loved Abu Simbel, it was so impressive!

  2. Sobhan Datta

    I am getting info from all other sources that QV 66 Nefartari tomb at Valley of Queens is closed since 2003. When did you visit it while writing this blog? That you mentioned special entry ticket price suggests you did go in but I am confused.

    1. 2023-01-03

      Hi Sobhan,
      The tomb has been opened and closed repeatedly since 2003. Be prepared for constantly changing rules while visiting Egypt. I sent a message to my sources in Egypt and was told that currently the tomb is open to visitors, however, it might change without any advance notice. When are you going to Egypt?

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